Saturday, November 04, 2006

oops! I thought I put Tim's picture with the last post. Sorry Tim!


Amy Anders said...

Hey Sis. Teresa! I don't know if you remember me or not, I'm Amy Anders. Dad used to pastor ya'll in Colorado. i was looking through your pictures. I can't believe how everyone is grown. Anyways, I found your blog and so I thought that I would stop by and say hey to ya.

Two Short of a Dozen! said...

hi! Of course I remember you, I just saw you at the assembly silly! Thanks for dropping a line.

J Nowling said...

Hey little lady-Congratulations. 9, you have your own baseball team. ~shaking head~ unreal.

Love you


Denise said...

Hey Mom!

You can add me to your links. =)

I miss you all so much!
It's time to come back out to Kentucky. I love all the pictures!
Samuel is adorable! I'm so glad everyone is doing so good.

I Love You!


goodysgirlforever said...

Hey Teresa it's me Bec! I'm also on myspace w/the same url. This might save me some minutes, huh?!
Talk to ya soon! Luv Ya

Momma Tammi said...

Anything new happening in Kentucky? I know that it isn't this quiet around your house. Come on...put the baby down for a nap and snag a few moments to let us know what is happening there. ~grin~